What Does Love Look Like?

Mark Stephenson [fireandlight.blog] – May 29, 2019

There was a quote from pastor Brian Zahnd that was going around on Facebook. It read:

“We all make errors in our theology; you and me both. So, my recommendation is to err on the side of love. Why? Because … God is not a doctrine. God is not a denomination. God is not war. God is not law. God is not hate. God is not hell…God is love.” Brian Zahnd

And while on the surface I agreed with this sentiment, the more I read it, the more it bothered me. There was a subtle, trojan-horse kind of lie buried in this quote that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Then, after I noticed some of my friends on Facebook using this quote to justify sin, I realized what the problem was.

Read the article: https://fireandlight.blog/2019/05/29/what-does-love-look-like/